Pharmaceutical companies along with pharmacy retail chains face ambitions market development tasks for various drugs. It follows that their research tasks are also quite complex, ambitious and demanding.
They require a considerable administration and coordination effort. Thus doctors’ survey is quite a complicated task in itself given that Russian doctors are mostly overworked and their outside-of-work contacts including those with research agencies are strictly controlled.
Business Analytica is often tasked with assessing pharmaceutical sales representative by doctors and nurses. Typically these tasks are solved by relevant discipline doctors’ (surgeons, ENT doctors, internists, neurologists, pulmonologists, allergists and immunologists, cardiologists, oncologists, etc.) surveys. The research helps to establish whether the sales representative has visited the doctor, whether the doctor is aware of the facts provided by the sales representative, whether the doctor is impressed by the new drug, the doctor’s appraisal of the sales representative and most important, the end result – whether the doctor is going to recommend the new drug to his patients based on the data provided by the sales representative.
Another typical task is the study of current practice for doctors of a given discipline to identify best promotion routes for a given drug.
Recommended research method: doctor’s survey at various medical institutions ranging from municipal outpatient clinics and private-run medical centers to federal medical scientific research institutes. The survey documents their daily routine. The study helps to identify doctors’ information requirements and best ways to provide necessary information on modern drugs and treatment methods.
In the event of a potential risk of switching to a competitor drug at a pharmacist level the Agency could run a Mystery shopper survey at various pharmacies using different scripts.