A real-life shopping experience is often needed to test a new or updated product, packaging, POS communications, new product display (in a competitive environment), etc. To this end, a lab store is usually built, which entirely reproduces the look and environment of a real store where respondents actually "purchase" the tested product (as well as related items) and then explain in an interview the choices they made: products bought (not bought), things done (not done) in store. In some tests, a part of this "shopping experience" is recorded with special equipment (eye tracker) that allows a better understanding of what attracts a shopper’s attention or, on the contrary, leaves shoppers indifferent; the "hot" and "cold" areas. There are two such labs in the Business Analytica office. We conduct many shopper tests in collaboration with In Vivo – BVA, a global leader in eye tracking research methodology.
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