Research Solutions
Observation and Registration
Business Analytica offers the following qualitative studies involving store space planning and zoning, as well as identifying a typical consumer profile as part of its product portfolio for the retail:

  • Simple observation:

    Specially trained interviewers, the so called registers, are positioned in an actual store (simulated store modeling available as an option) to capture the actual consumer progress across the trading area. Consumer flow routes are developed at the end of the research. In addition to the observation there is a store exit survey when consumers provide immediate feedback on the section layout convenience, availability, ease of search for various items, etc.

  • Consumer photographic profile:

    The Agency range includes a consumer photographic study to provide a better consumer profile for a given store (retail chain) and come up with the insights for the marketing and retail teams.

    If this is required interviewers equipped with cameras take pictures of the store visitors (or only buyers). Fieldwork could be extended by exit survey to obtain more detailed and accurate data on the customer type, their loyalty and choice criteria, etc.

    Customer segmentation could be done once the study has been completed and the pictures have been analyzed.

  • Video observation / video registration:

    Consumer observation could be carried out using the video equipment. This could include surveillance cameras (provided it is possible to focus the cameras on desired locations and subsequent uploading of footage). In addition video registration could be carried out by using specially installed video equipment.

    During the data processing different purchase stages are coded with special codes and statistical packages are used for data processing. Video observation could be extended by a survey.

    Video registration could help to:

    • Gauge the customer flow
    • Study specific attributes of the customer flow (gender, age, purchase style (single customer, family making a purchase, couple making a purchase, friends / a group of friends making a purchase)), etc.
    • Run a customer segmentation*
    • Develop customer flow routes and identify the sections and shelves with the biggest demand
    • Optimize store trading space and shelf display.

*The segmentation attributes are pre-determined together with the customer.