Research Methods
Face-To-Face Interviews
A face-to-face interview is a key quantitative data collection technique when an interviewer asks a respondent a set of questions and fills in a questionnaire based on the received answers.

Depending on the medium the data is recorded face-to-face interviews are classified into PAPI (paper and pencil interview) and CAPI (computer-assisted personal interview).

Face-to-face interview benefits:

  • It is possible to ask more questions in a face-to-face interview vs. a distance interview (interview over the phone or Internet or via a direct mail) as face-to-face interviews can exceed a time period of 15-20 minutes
  • Visual contact allows for easy socio-demographic screening (for example, age check)
  • Face-to-face interviews facilitate the testing of visual materials (real packaging vs. models, etc.), product trial with a follow-on evaluation (food, beverages, perfume, etc.)
  • Face-to-face interviews allow for a wider range of assessment techniques (complex sorting schemes, complex rating scales, etc.)

Face-to-face interview is best suited when:

  • Clients have a wide spectrum of tasks which require lengthy interviews (over 20 minutes in total)
  • Detailed data on research topics is required (other types of questions/tasks are used in addition to the standard close-ended questions)
  • Product trial or visual materials testing is envisaged which cannot be arranged by means of a computer.

Depending of the venue face-to-face interviews could be classified into: